Hello, I'm

Achmad Ali Akbar

Frontend Website Developer


  • SMAN 1 Wonomulyo
  • IPS 2018 - 2021

  • Universitas Sulawesi Barat
  • Teknik Informatika 2022

Familiar with


BloodBank - Donate The Blood

A blood bank is a place where blood is collected and stored before it is used for transfusions. Blood banking takes place in the lab. This is to make sure that donated blood and blood products are safe before they are used. Blood banking also determines the blood type.

UI Design Frontend
Hospital Management System

Hospital management system is a computer system that helps manage the information related to health care and aids in the job completion of health care providers effectively. They manage the data related to all departments of healthcare such as, Clinical.

UI Design Frontend
Perkiraan tinggi badan anak

Aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan javascript dan tailwind css ini dapat memperkirakan perkiraan tinggi badan anak berdasarkan dari tinggi dari kedua orang tua. Dapat digunakan dan diakses oleh siapapun dari smartphone, tablet maupun komputer.

UI Design Frontend


Bootstrap August 12, 2021
5 Years of Bootstrap

Five years ago today, we shipped the first release of Bootstrap. Releasing it on GitHub was my first real plunge into open source—what an introduction! Read more

Tailwind Css September 9, 2021
Introducing Tailwind UI Ecommerce

Almost 6 months in the making, we finally released Tailwind UI Ecommerce — the first all-new component kit for Tailwind UI since the initial launch back in February 2020. Read more

About me


I am an informatics engineering student at Indonesia Computer University. I enjoy resolving the problem and implementing the idea with design. Interest in exploring various design styles and following the design trend. I am a junior programmer with good knowledge of front-end techniques. I love structure and order and I also stand for quality. I love spending time on fixing little details and optimizing web apps. Also I like working in a team, you'll learn faster and much more. As the saying goes: 'two heads are better than one'.